Sri Shyamacharan Lahiree Mahasaya


Yogiraj Sri Shyamacharan Lahiree Mahasaya Fountain-Head of Kriyayoga marked His Advent in 1828 in Ghurni, Nadia, West Bengal. He imparted a push to declaining Kriyayoga enabling man to attain emancipation from the birth-death cycle (moksha) by remaining within the family ambit as He Himself practised and imparted. This is His infallible to humankind.

He effected His Sublime in Kashi on 26th September 1895, Mahashtami Sandikshan.

               Yogiraj Shyamacharan Mission is a non-profit socio-spiritual organisation founded by
Mahamahopadyaya Yogacharya Dr.Ashoke Kumar Chetterjee estiblished to further the ideals tenets of Lahiree Mahasaya; to preserve this pristine science undiluted to soul-seekers.

He has unfolded Yogiraj as 'God of Householder' and has lucidly unravelled the abstruse esoteric essence of Yogiraj to the world through his inimitable literature and dissertations.

This list was prepared by Dr. Jinadatha

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