10  RUPEES                                                     DESCRIPTION

Sep 6th 2008 to


       * DENOMINATION - 10 in three places & PORTRAIT - M K Gandhi
       * SIZE - 137 X 63 mm & SERIAL NUMBER - in two places 
       * COLOR - Orange, purple and multicolor
       * LEGEND - Value rupees in Hindi and English    

       * PICTURE -
Tiger (with 6 teeth), Elephant, and Rhinoceros
       * LANGUAGE PANEL - 15 Indian Languages                   
M K Gandhi
       * NOTE - Year of printing the note 



1 A - F NIL 2008  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
2 09A NIL* 2008  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
3 A, B R 2008  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
4 99A R* 2008 SCAN BY BASANTH RATHI ds2008rstarslno
5 F - H,K - N,P - W NIL 2009  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
6 99F NIL* 2009  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
7 A - H,K - N,P - W L 2009 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals  
8 00F L* 2009  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
9 B - H,K - N,P - T R 2009  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
10 18R R* 2009  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
11 A - H,K - N,P - T A 2010  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
12 09A A* 2010  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
13 A - H,K - N,P- W M 2010  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
14 00F M* 2010  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
15 S - W R 2010  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
16 31s R* 2010  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
17 A - H,K,L S 2010  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2010sslno
18 49K S* 2010  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals
19 T - W A 2011 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2011aslno
20  55T A* 2011 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2011astarslno
21  A - H B 2011 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2011bslno
22  49A B* 2011 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2011bstarslno
23  A - H,K - N,P - W N 2011 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2011nslno
24 00F - 03F ,05F N* 2011 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2011nstarslno
25 A - C P 2011 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals 10ds2011pall8slno
26 00F P* 2011 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2011pstarslno

 K - N,P - W

S 2011    OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2011sslno
28  83M S* 2011    OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2011sstarslno
29  F L 2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals  


30  C - H,K - N,P 2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals   10ds2012pALL8slno
31 02F - 04F

P *

2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals  


                                             10 Rupees Notes With          Rupee Syombol   Symbol                                                         
A - H,K,L NIL  2011 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals 10ds2011nilwithruslno
 09A NIL*  2011 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals 10ds2011nilstarwithruslno
 34 A - H,K,L R  2011  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals 10ds2011rwithruslno
 35  99H  R*  2011  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals 10ds2011rstarwithruslno
 36 L - N,P - W NIL    2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals 10ds2012nilruall8slno
 37 99L  NIL*  2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2012nilstarslno
38 A - E... A  2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds10rs2012aruslno
39 09A  A*   2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds10rs2012astarruslno
 40 A - H,K - N, P - W L  2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2012lslno
00F - 02F L*  2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2012lstarslno
42  L - N,P - W R 2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals 10ds2012Rruall8slno
43  19T R* 2012  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds2012rstarslno
44 A - G.. S 2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds10rs2012sruslno
45 49G S* 2012 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds10rs2012sstarruslno
46   A 2013  OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals 10ds2013aruslno
47   A * 2013 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals  10ds2013astarwithruslno
48 A - E ... M 2013 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds10rs2013mruslno
49 00F M* 2013 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals ds10rs2013mstarruslno
50   S 2013 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals  10ds2013Sruall8slno
51 S * 2013 OBVERSE - Mahatma Gandhi REVERSE - Animals  10ds2013sstarwithruslno

This list was prepared by Dr. Jinadatha

NOTE :      Many Thanks to K.G. Subramanyam, Hasan, India, 
           for providing information on prifix numbers for Rupees  5,10,20,and 50. 
               I Request viewers of this website to provide information on prifixes for  rupees 100, 500, and 1,000 .
            You can email any new information to       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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