Rupee is the official currency of India. The distribution & handling is done by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). All bank notes of India carry the signature of Reserve Bank of India's Governor's signature except the 1 Rupee note which has the Finance secretary's signature. The first Finance Secretary was KRK Menon and the first RBI governor was CD Deshmukh. The Rupee note ceased to be in existence in 1994. Similarly the 2 Rupees notes printing was stopped in 1995 for economical reasons during the reign of C Rangarajan. The printing of 5 Rupees has been on and off and most likely will be discontinued soon. In the past they also had 5000 and 10000 Rupees notes and they were discontinued during the emergency period in 1970's. With increased security features we may see the return of these denomination notes. Each bank note carries a promissory statement from the RBI governor. Each note has several security features. To learn more about the security features click here. Because of the diverse nature of India, each bank note has the value depicted on the front and back in several languages. Currently the denominations of the notes that are in circulation include 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, and 1000. You may still come across some 1 and 2 rupees notes. From 1935 to 1975, notes were printed only at Nasik printing Press, in Maharashtra. Since 1975 they started printing in various other places like Dewas in Madhyapradesh, Mysore in Karnataka, and Salboni in West Bengal. Please click on each tab on the left sided menu to learn more about the security press, features, Governor's and secretaries. This website has been classified into three sections. 1 Rupee notes, 2-10,000 Rupees notes and Haj & Gulf notes. Most of the notes have a accompanying picture that will be uploaded soon. Please note that most notes from S Malhotra to Y V Reddy carry the same serial number 888888, but the insets are different. This probably the largest collection of bank notes with same number with different insets, denominations and governors. To browse each section, click on the checklist, then on each section where a drop down menu with further guide you. 2-10,000 notes are arranged by governor. 1 Rupee notes are arranged by year.