After a long reign of 50 years, Akbar died in 1605 A.D. He was succeeded by Salim, who on his accession to throne, assumed the title of Jehangir (conquerer of the world). Jehangir married Nur Jahan, the widow of a Persian noble-man. Sher Afghan, in 1611 A.D Nur Jahan was a remarkable and intelligent wife Because of addiction to wine. Jehangir was not in a state to rule and left the administration to Nur Jahan. Coins issued by him are artistic and interesting. Coins issued at Ahmedabad and Kabul mints before his formal coronation are known as "Salimi" coins. Jehangissued gold and silver coins featuring 46 types (varieties) of poetic legends. In the first year of his reign, he issued gold coins with the por trait of his father, Akbar and his name "Nurud-din Jehangir Shah Akbar Shah." He made changes in the design, shape and legend of the coins He issued round and square shaped muhars of 202 to 212 grains weight. In the beginning, Kalima was imprinted on the obverse of the coins along with his name.
During 1611-1614 A.U. he struck gold muhars at Aimer mint with a bust size portrait of himself. Some posthumus issues of gold coins issued by Jehangir show an interesting couplet: "Zad Sat az muhar Akbar Badshah nur Bar in Zar nam Shah Nur ali nur" which means "by the name of emperor Akbar gold became bright, and with the name of the King Nur (Nuruddin Jehangir) it is still brighter' Jehangir increased the weight of his gold coins from 202 to 212 grains and of the silver coins from 212 to 222 grains. He issued two types of gold coins with his portrait viz. (i) the bust of the emperor in profile with his hand resting on a balcony and (ii) the emperor holding a flower or a cup of wine in his right hand. The reverse of these coins show a lion and a small radiate sun in the centre respectively.
In 1618 AD, Jehangir brought out an unusual and exclusive type of gold and silver coins bearing the zodiac signs. These coins are remarkable in their execution and fabric. They are now scarce as Jehangir's successor, Shan Jahan withdrew them and melted them. Nurjahan established her authority during 1624-1627 AD, and issued coins with the emperor's name on one side and her name on the other side. These coins bear the mint's name—Surat. Patna or Lahore. She issued gold coins with the couplet "Ja hukm Shah Jehangir Yaft Shud Zeaur Ba-nam Nurjahan Badshah Begum". Translated, it means "By order of Shan Jehangir, gold attained a hundred beauties when the name of Nurjahan Badshah Begum was placed on it." Jehangir's health failed due to over drinking. All his Four sons contested their right to the throne. Khur-ram (Shah Jahan), the favourite son of Nurjahan, took over on the 14th of February. 1628. Jehangir, though a man of letters and with aesthetic taste did not gain popularity but was known for his sense of justice.