Heavy Rupee Description          


* Metal: Silver
* Weight: 13.55 gms 
* Mint : Eight Mints

* Obv : Kalima, AH date
* Rev : Leg: Nur-ud din Muhammad Jahangir

* Shape : Round
* Series : " Jahangiri"

309 Agra 1014 1 Note : 1st Issue, 20% Over weight 152.1
310 Agra 1015 1 Note : 1st Issue, 20% Over weight 152.1
311 Agra 1015 2 Note : 1st Issue, 20% Over weight 152.1
312 Agra 1016 x Note : 1st Issue, 20% Over weight 152.1
313 Ahmadabad 1014 1 Same as Previous issue 152.2
314 Ahmadabad 1015 1 Same as Previous issue 152.2
315 Ahmadabad 1016 2 Same as Previous issue 152.2
316 Ahmadabad 1016 3 Same as Previous issue 152.2
317 Ahmadabad 1017 3 Same as Previous issue 152.2
318 Burhanpur xxxx 2 Same as KM # 152.1 152.3
319 Delhi 1016 2 Same as KM # 152.1 152.8
320 Jainapur ND - Same as KM # 152.1 152.9
321 Lahore 1015 1 Same as KM # 152.1, Struck at Lahore 152.4
322 Lahore 1019 5 Same as KM # 152.1, Struck at Lahore 152.4
323 Patna 1014 1 Same as KM # 152.1 152.5
324 Patna 1015 1 Same as KM # 152.1 152.5
325 Patna 1015 2 Same as KM # 152.1 152.5
326 Patna 1016 2 Same as KM # 152.1 152.5
327 Patna 1016 3 Same as KM # 152.1 152.5
328 Patna 1017 3 Same as KM # 152.1 152.5
329 Patna 1018 5 Same as KM # 152.1 152.5
330 Patna 1019 5 Same as KM # 152.1 152.5
331 Qandahar 1020 6 Same as KM # 152.1 152.6
332 Qandahar 1021 7 Same as KM # 152.1 152.6




   Heavy Rupee  Description          


* Metal: Silver
* Weight: 13.55 gms 
* Mint :Six Mints

* Obv : Kalima, AH date
* Rev : Leg:Nur-ud din Muhammad Jahangir

* Shape : Square
* Series : Jahangiri

333 Tatta 1015 2 - 152.7
334 Tatta 1016 2 - 152.7
335 Tatta 1016 3 - 152.7
336 Tatta 1017 3 - 152.7
337 Tatta 1017 4 - 152.7
338 Tatta 1018 4 - 152.7
339 Tatta 1018 5 - 152.7
340 Tatta 1019 5 - 152.7
341 Tatta 1019 6 - 152.7
342 Tatta 1020 6 - 152.7
343 Lahore 1015 2 Note : 1st Issue, 20% Overweight 154.1
344 Lahore 1016 2 Note : 1st Issue, 20% Overweight 154.1
345 Lahore 1016 3 Note : 1st Issue, 20% Overweight 154.1
346 Agra 1019 5 Weight : 13.6 A 155.1
347 Agra 1018 4 Khursu couplet, Weight : 13.6 155.1 A
348 Agra 1014 1 Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.1
349 Agra 1015 1 Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.1
350 Agra 1015 2 Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.1
351 Akbarnagar xxxx - Gardun couplet, Weight : 13.6 155.2A
352 Akbarnagar 1014 x Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.2
353 Akbarnagar 1015 x Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.2
354 Akbarnagar 1016 x Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.2
355 Delhi 1014 x Rev : " Ta falak" 155.7
356 Kashmir 1017 x Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.3
357 Kashmir 1017 x Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.3
358 Kashmir 1018 x Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.3
359 Kashmir 1019 x Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.3
360 Kashmir 1020 x Rev : Sakhat Nurani * 155.3


NOTE : " * "  :- Obverse and Reverse form a poetic  couplet, distinguished by 
                         certain words in the reverse legend.



   Heavy Rupee Description          

* Metal: Silver
* Weight: 13.40 gms 
* Mint : Four Mints

* Obv : Sakhat Nurani
* Rev : Leg : Nur-ud din Muhammad Jahangir

* Shape : Round
Series : Jahangir
361 Lahore 1014 1 * 155.4
362 Lahore 1015 1 Rev : " Ta falak ", Weight : 13.55 * 155.4
363 Lahore 1017 3 Rev : " Ta falak ", Weight : 13.55 * 155.6
364 Lahore 1017 4 Rev : " Ta falak ", Weight : 13.55 * 155.6
365 Lahore 1018 4 Rev : " Ta falak ", Weight : 13.55 * 155.6
366 Lahore 1018 5 Rev : " Ta falak ", Weight : 13.55 * 155.6
367 Lahore 1019 5 Rev : " Ta falak ", Weight : 13.55 * 155.6
368 Qandahar 1020 6 Weight : 13.55 *



369 Qandahar 1021 7 Weight : 13.55 * 155.5
370 Qandahar 1021 8 Weight : 13.55 * 155.5
371 Qandahar 1022 8 Weight : 13.55 * 155.5
372 Lahore 1019 5 * 156.1
373 Lahore 1020 6 Farwardin A 157.1
374 Lahore 1020 6 Obv & Rev : Inscription in octagonal star, Weight : 13.6, Shape : Square B 157.1
375 Lahore 1015 2 Obv & Rev : form a poetic couplet
Shape : Square
376 Lahore 1016 2 Obv & Rev : form a poetic couplet
Shape : Square
377 Lahore 1016 3 Obv & Rev : form a poetic couplet
Shape : Square
378 Lahore 1017 3 Obv & Rev : form a poetic couplet
Shape : Square
379 Ahmadabad 1016 3 Obv : Names of Jahangir and Akbar
Rev : Inayat couplet   $



380 Ahmadabad 1017 3 Obv : Names of Jahangir and Akbar
Rev : Inayat couplet   $
381 Ahmadabad 1017 4 Obv : Names of Jahangir and Akbar
Rev : Inayat couplet  $
382 Ahmadabad 1018 4 Obv : Names of Jahangir and Akbar
Rev : Inayat couplet   $
383 Ahmadabad 1018 5 Obv : Names of Jahangir and Akbar
Rev : Inayat couplet  $
384 Ahmadabad 1019 5 Obv : Names of Jahangir and Akbar
Rev : Inayat couplet   $
385 Ahmadabad 1019 6 Obv : Names of Jahangir and Akbar
Rev : Inayat couplet  $
386 Burhanpur 1019 - Obv : Names of Jahangir and Akbar
Rev : Din panah  $


NOTE : " * "  :- Obverse and Reverse form a poetic  couplet, distinguished by 
                         certain words in the reverse legend.

            " $ " :-  Series : Sawai ,  Weight : 140.20,
                          Obverse and Reverse form a poetic couplet.
                          Each mint has a distinctive couplet. A typical word from the
                          reverse legend is given as identirier for each sub-type in this section.


   Heavy Rupee Description          


* Metal: Silver
* Weight: 14.20 gms 
* Mint : Five Mints

* Obv : Names of Jahangir and Akbar
* Rev : Khusru

* Shape : Round
Series : Sawai

387 Kabul 1017 3 2nd Issue, 25% overweight  $ 158.1
388 Kabul 1017 4 2nd Issue, 25% overweight  $ 158.1
389 Kabul 1018 4 2nd Issue, 25% overweight  $ 158.1
390 Kabul 1018 5 2nd Issue, 25% overweight  $ 158.1
391 Kabul 1019 5 2nd Issue, 25% overweight  $ 158.1
392 Kabul 1017 3 $ 158.2
393 Kabul 1018 4 $ 158.2
394 Kabul 1020 6 $ 158.2
395 Lahore 1017 3 Rev : "Ta falak"  $ 158.5
396 Lahore 1017 4 Rev : "Ta falak"  $ 158.5
397 Lahore 1018 4 Rev : "Ta falak"  $ 158.5
398 Lahore 1018 5 Rev : "Ta falak"  $ 158.5
399 Lahore 1019 5 Rev : "Ta falak"  $ 158.5
400 Patna 1017 3 $ 158.6
401 Patna 1019 6 $ 158.6
402 Patna 1020 6 $ 158.6
403 Akbarnagar 1017 4 Gardun couplet, Weight : 14.2 A 159.1
404 Agra 1019 5 @ 159.2
405 Lahore 1019 5 @ 159.1
406 Lahore 1019 6 @ 159.1
407 Lahore 1020 6 @ 159.1
408 Agra 1019 5 Shape : Square, Struck at Agra  * 160.1
409 Agra 1020 6 Shape : Square, Struck at Agra  * 160.1
410 Lahore 1019 5 Shape : Square, Isfandarmuz 160.2
411 Lahore 1020 6 Shape : Square, Ardibihisht 160.2
412 xxxx 6 Shape : Square, Tir 160.2


NOTE : " * "  :- The circular and square rupees were struck at Agra in alternate month.

            " $ " :-  Series : Sawai , Obverse and Reverse form a poetic couplet.
                          Each mint has a distinctive couplet. A typical word from the
                          reverse legend is given as identirier for each sub-type in this section.
           " @ " :-  Obverse and Reverse form a poetic couplet incorporating the Ilhi
                          month. Couplet changed monthly.