* SIZE - 16cm X 28cm * SERIAL NO - Absent * DENOMINATION - In Rupees * PAPER TYPE - Hand made * UNDER PRINT - Black & White * LEGEND - Bank of Madras * WATER MARK - Triple line along all four sides & in center Bank of Madras in English and Tamil * LANGUAGE PANEL - In Telugu, Tamil, Persian & English * VIGNETTE - Equestrian statue of Sir Thomas Munroe, ex-Governor Madras presidency * PROMISE TO PAY - The bearer on demand * DATE - In three digits, in two places
* SIZE - 14cm X 28cm * SERIAL NO - Absent * DENOMINATION - In Rupees * PAPER TYPE - Hand made * UNDER PRINT - Black & White * LANGUAGE PANEL - In Telugu, Tamil, Persian & English * LEGEND - Madras Government Bank * VIGNETTE - Equestrian statue of Sir Thomas Munroe, ex-Governor Madras presidency * PROMISE TO PAY - The bearer on demand * WATER MARK - Triple line along all four sides & in center Bank of Madras in English and Tamil * DATE - In two digits, in two places * REVERSE - Bank of Madras