Copper Coins - Madras Minting (1807)

 XL Cash                                                   DESCRIPTION

* Metal: Copper
* Weight: 19.31 gms
* Diameter: 36.0 mm
* Mint: Madras

* Obv: Value 40 cash in Persian on
            the top with value in English &
             Roman numerals at the
             bottom. The Persian &
             English are divided
             by lines or dots or stars which
             gives us different varieties. 
* Rev:
Value 40 cash in Telgu
            (2 lines) on the top with
             value in Tamil
            (2 lines) at the bottom.
* Edge:


 KM #

216 439.1


- - 1807 * Obv: Plain line between
Persian & English
* Rev: Dots & star between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
217 439.2


- - 1807 * Obv: Plain line between Persian & English 
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter 
218 439.?


- - 1807 * Obv: Dots & Star between Persian & English 
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
219 439.3


- - 1807 * Obv: Dots & Star between Persian & English 
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter 
220 439.?


- - 1807 * Obv: Plain line between Persian & English
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter

 XX Cash                                                        DESCRIPTION

* Metal: Copper
* Weight: 9.65 gms
* Diameter: 26.5 mm
* Mint: Madras

* Obv: Value 20 cash in Persian on
             the top with value in English &
             Roman numerals at the
             bottom. The Persian & English
             are divided by lines or dots
             or stars which gives us
             different varieties.
             Coat of Arms of the company
             (EIC) are notably absent.
* Rev:
 Value 20 cash in Telgu
             (2 lines) on the top with
              value in Tamil
              (2 lines) at the bottom.
* Edge: Plain

221 438


- - 1807 * Obv: Dots & Star between Persian & English
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
222 438.?


- - 1807 * Obv: Dots & Star between Persian & English, number of dots vary
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
223 438.?


- - 1807 * Obv: Plain line between Persian & English
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
224 438.?


- - 1807 * Obv: Dots & Star between Persian & English 
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
225 438.?


- - 1807 * Obv: Plain line between Persian & English
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
X Cash (1807)

 X Cash                                                        DESCRIPTION

* Metal: Copper
* Weight: 4.83 gms
* Diameter: 23.5 mm
* Mint: Madras

* Obv: Value 10 cash in Persian on
             the top with value in English
             & Roman numerals at the
             bottom. The Persian &
             English are divided
             by lines or dots or stars which
             gives us different varieties.
             Coat of Arms of the company
             (EIC) are notably absent.
* Rev:
Value 10 cash in Telgu
            (2 lines) on the top with
            value in Tamil
            (2 lines) at the bottom.
* Edge: plain 

226 531.a Madras - - 1807 * Obv: Plain line between Persian & English
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
227 432.1 Madras - - 1807 * Obv: Dots & Star between Persian & English
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter 
228 ? Madras - - 1807 * Obv: Dots only between Persian & English, number of dots vary
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
229 ? Madras - - 1807 * Obv: Plain line between Persian & English 
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter 
230 ? Madras - - 1807 * Obv: Dots & Star between Persian & English
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
231 ? Madras - - 1807 * Obv: Dots only between Persian & English, number of dots vary
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
232 ? Madras - - 1807 * Obv: Plain line between Persian & English
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter
233 ? Madras - - 1807 * Obv: Plain line between Persian & English
* Rev: Nothing between Telgu & Tamil with Tamil letter 
This coin was stuck on bigger flan (XX cash) but same weight as X cash.
  Unlisted   madrascopXcashunlistedsml
V Cash (1807)

 V Cash                                                              DESCRIPTION

* Metal: Copper
* Weight: 2.41 gms
* Diameter: 21.0 mm
* Mint: Madras

* Obv: Value 5 cash in Persian on the
             top with value in English &
            Roman numerals at the
            bottom. The Persian &
            English are divided
            by lines or dots or stars which
            gives us different varieties.
            Coat of Arms of the company
            (EIC) are notably absent.
* Rev:
Value 5 cash in Tamil (2 lines)
            on the top with value in  Telgu
            (2 lines) at the bottom.
* Edge: plain 

234 436 Madras - - 1807 * Obv: Dots only between Persian & English, number of dots vary
* Rev: Nothing between Tamil & Telgu with Tamil letter  
235 ? Madras - - 1807 * Obv: No dividing line
* Rev: Nothing between Tamil & Telgu with Tamil letter  
234 436.1 Madras - - 1807 * Obv: Solid line above the denomination
* Rev: Nothing between Tamil & Telgu with Tamil letter  
2 1/2 Cash (1807)

* Metal: Copper
* Weight: 1.21 gms
* Diameter: 16 mm
* Mint: Madras

* Obv: Value 5 cash in Persian on the
             top with value in English &
            Roman numerals at the
            bottom. The Persian &
             English are divided
            by lines or dots or stars which
            gives us different varieties.
            Coat of Arms of the company
            (EIC) are notably absent.
* Rev: Value 5 cash in Tamil (2 lines)
            on the top with value in  Telgu
            (2 lines) at the bottom.
* Edge: plain 

236 435 Madras - - - * Obv: No dividing line
* Rev: Nothing between Tamil & Telgu with Tamil letter  
237 ? Madras - - - * Obv: No dividing line
* Rev: Nothing between Tamil & Telgu with Tamil letter  . This coin was stuck on a V cash flan.D:21mm, W:2.32gms

This list was prepared by Dr. Jinadatha