Silver Coins

  Half Pagoda                                        DESCRIPTION

* Metal: Silver
* Weight: 21.17 gms 
* Diameter: 35.5 mm
* Mint: Madras

* Obv:  Temple Gopuram with stars on the
              sides. Value half pagoda in English
              and Persian around the flan. A
              buckled garter encircling the
              central design.
* Rev:
  Vishnu God surrounded by dots.
               Value (half pagoda) in Telgu &
               Tamil around the flan of the coin.
               A star on top of Vishnu God.
* Edge: Oblique milling or Grained. 


 KM #

169 -


- - 1808 - 12 Large English letters madrassilvhalfpagoda169sml
170 -


- - 1808 - 12 Mis-spelt PAGODA as PGODA -
171 -


- - 1808 - 12 Small English letters -
171A -


- - 1808 - 12 No stop
172 -


- - 1808 - 12 Center and end stop -

 Quarter Pagoda                                  DESCRIPTION

* Metal: Silver
* Weight: 10.58 gms 
* Diameter: 25.5 mm
* Mint: Madras

* Obv: Temple Gopuram with stars on the
             sides. Value quarter pagoda in
             English and Persian around the
             flan. A buckled garter encircling
             the central design.
* Rev:
Vishnu God surrounded by dots.
            Value (quarter pagoda) in Telgu &
            Tamil around the flan of the coin. A
            star on top of Vishnu God.
* Edge: Oblique Milling or Grained

173 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 No Stops buckle partly filled madrassilvquarpagoda173sml
174 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 End stop buckle empty -
175 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 End stop square end to buckle -
176 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Center and end stop buckle partly filled madrassilvquarpagoda176sml
177 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Center and stop buckle partly empty -
178 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Mis-spelt as PaPagoda -
  Unlisted madrassilvquarpagodaunlisml

 Five Fanams                                              DESCRIPTION

* Metal: Silver
* Weight: 4.65 gms 
* Diameter: 21.22 mm
* Mint: Madras

* Obv: Value (five fanams) in Persian in
             the center of the coin. Value in
             English around the flan.
* Rev:
Value (five fanams) in Telgu in the
            center  & Tamil around the flan of
            the coin. A star on top of Telgu
* Edge:
Oblique Milling or Grained

178 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 No stop Square buckle madrassilvfivefanams178sml
179 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 No stop oval buckle -
180 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 No stops buckle formed with dots -
181 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 No stops buckle no cross tongue -
181A - Madras - - 1808 - 12 No stops buckle formed with dots -
182 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Center stop buckle empty -
183 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Center stop square buckle -
183A - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Center stop buckle formed with dots -

 Double Fanam                                       DESCRIPTION

* Metal: Silver
* Weight: 1.85 gms 
* Diameter: 15 - 16 mm
* Mint: Madras

* Obv: Value (double fanams) in Persian
             in the center of the coin. Value in
             English around the flan.
* Rev:
Value (double fanams) in Telgu in
            the  center  & Tamil around the flan
            of the coin. A star on top of Telgu
* Edge: Oblique Milling or Grained

184 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Square buckle madrassilvdoublefanams184sml
185 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Oblong buckle madrassilvdoublefanams185sml
186 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Partly filled buckle -
187 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Buckle formed with dots -
  No Buckle  madrassilvdoublefanamsnobucklesml

 Fanam                                                    DESCRIPTION

* Metal: Silver
* Weight: 0.92 gms 
* Diameter: 11 - 11.5 mm
* Mint: Madras

* Obv: Value (fanam) in English around
             the flan. 
* Rev:
Star above the central Telgu
            inscription. Value in Tamil around
            the flan. Value in Telgu in center of
* Edge:
Oblinque milling or Grained

188 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Shaped buckle madrassilvfanams188sml
189 - Madras - - 1808 - 12 Plain buckle -

This list was prepared by Dr. Jinadatha