The coins of the British common wealth of nations
IV India volume 1 and 2 by Major Pridmore. Published by Spink and sons London. 


Comments: This is probably the Bible for British India Coin collectors. It has extensive information about most British India Coins. Highly recommend for advanced collectors. Probably too detailed for amateurs or new collectors.

2 Coins of India” by Deepak Chakrabarthy, Published by Hobby publications, kolkatta.


Comments: This is probably is a real nice starter for British India Coin collectors. It has good information with some variations as compared to Pridmore. Pictures are decent with good explanation. It is inexpensive if available. There haven't been any new reprints, whatever is available in the market are older copies. It also has Republic India Coins and Commerative coins. 
3  “History of Moghul Emperors of India” by Stanley Lane Poole NA
4 History of the coinage of the Territories of the East India company in the Indian peninsula and catalogue of coins in the madras museum” by Edgar Thurston, published by Govt press, Madras. NA
5 Copper coins of India” by William valentine, published by Spink and Sons, London.
6 Standard catalogue of world coins” by Chester Krause and Clifford Misher, Krause publications, USA


Comments: If you want to know anything about any coin in the world this would be the go to book. Probably too detailed for new collectors. Too simple for advanced collectors as some of the coins especially in the 1600-1800AD sections have been lumped. Too bulky to carry around and expensive if you are just looking for a British India Coin book. Not a bad life time investment. The books are divided into 4 separate sections and you have to buy them separately.
7 Coins” by Parameshwar Lal Gupta, Published by Book trust of India, New Delhi. NA
8 "Coins of British India"
This is an exhalent book for those who collect British india coin from 1835AD to 1847AD.
Shri "Gev Kias" the author of this book he is not only very good collector of coins himself of this period and also identified many new unlisted 1 Rupee coins.
8 Gev Kias

This list was prepared by Dr. Jinadatha