For British India coins collector 1862 rupee collection is a challenging task. It is a difficult task as more than 50 varieties of 1862 rupee coins are known. New varieties of 1862 rupee coins are reported frequently by coins collectors. Reasons for many varieties of 1862 rupee are :

1) Matrices and punches were prepared by three different engravers ,they are a) L C WYON head engraver of royal mint b) KASINATH DAS head engraver of Calcutta mint c) J. LUTZ a German engraver As a result three obverse types and three reverse types occur in 1862 rupees
2) The different types of private or privy marks like crescent or “J”or “v” occur in different places on the bust
3) Pairing of different obverse and reverse of the coins also occured
4)The 1862 rupeecoins were also minted in three different mints.They are i) Calcutta ii) Bombay and iii) Madras
5)The number of ridges in the edge of the coins varies from 150 to 156 depending upon different mints where the coins are minted
6) To indicate the year of minting, minute dots are added one for each year above the bottom flower but below the date. For eg to indicate the year 1863 rupee, single dot or for 1873 coin eleven dots were added.
7) Three types of coins with top dots occurs above the “N” of one. For eg “o” dot or no dot, one dot and two dots. In two varieties top dot is in top flower instead of above “ n” of one. Significance of top and bottom dots differs according to different experts. For eg Pridmore belives, initially up to two dots were placed above “n” of ONE but later on due to lack of space dots were put on the top of bottom flower, one dot for each year. According to D. Chakrabarthy from Kolkotta of India, top “0” dot coins are minted in Calcutta mint, top one dot coins are from Bombay mint and top two dots coins are from Madras mint. But Dr Sharif of Bangalore, India has entirely different point of view. 
8) In addition there are variations in diameter, weight, number of grooves in the edge of the coins, because of permutation and combinations of reasons above mentioned, so many varieties exists. Hence collecting these varieties of 1862 rupee coins is fascinating and challenging. 

I have provided list of 1862 rupee coin types known to me. I request you to report your new findings so that your finding will be in your name and other collectors will be benefited by your finding of new variety. 

To say a new variety you should have atleast two similar coins or two different people have the same coin.

A II 0 4 means obverse ‘A’, Reverse II, Top dot 0, Bottom dot 4. 
2. B II 0 0 C – 150 Ridges, 30.7 mm.
    B II 0 0 M – 153 – 156 Ridges, 30.9 to 31 mm.
    B II 0 0 B – 152 – 155 Ridges, 30.7 to 30.9 mm.