Uniform Coinage


       The year 1835 represents the commencement of uniform coinage. It is an epic-making event in the history of British India coins. The principal person responsible for the uniform coinage was James Princeps. At that time Lord William Bentinck was Governor General of India. Before 1835 East India Company coins in all three presidencies Madras, Bombay and Bengal presidencies used to mint coins with name of living or dead Moghul emperor. These coins were also different in weight ,diameter, purity and denominations.They also had different names. The monetary system was confusing and chaotic. For example more than 60 different types of rupee coins existed. In addition to many types were found in other denominations. The introduction of uniform coinage for whole India with regards to weight and standard proved to be immense success for the basis of classification.
The classification of uniform coinage of East India Company during the period 1835 to 1858 AD is based upon the following: 

1) On the obverse, the effigy of King William or Queen Victoria with continuous
    legend and divided legend.
2) Metals used: gold, silver and copper. 
3) Different denominations: e.g., mohur rupee and annas. 
4) Presence or absence of privy marks or initials on truncation of the neck. 
5) Different dates: e.g. 1835 to1858 AD.
6) On the reverse, number of Berries on left and right wreath. 
7) Different diameters in same denomination, depending upon mints of issue.
8) Presences or absence of a dot after the date or after initials.
9) Presences or absence of serif on numbers and on letters.
10) Variations in size of the letters and numerals on reverse.
11) Presence of small or large diamonds in Persian script.
12) In one quarter anna in addition to variation in number of Berries, flat or
     slanting top of I in 1835 and “y” of company is “above or opposite or
     below “ to a Berry.